Steels and alloys

Buy steel and alloys at affordable prices from the manufacturer and in a wide range of brands and profiles offers the company AVEK Global. The supplier provides delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Classification of steels and alloys by their properties
Influence on stability and operational parameters of steels and alloys has:
Chemical composition;
Heat treatment modes;
Modes of the subsequent mechanical processing by pressure, and also welding;
surface quality of the metal after rolling.
Steels and alloys are divided into:
Corrosion-resistant or stainless steels and alloys that are resistant to electrochemical chemical corrosion, mechanochemical corrosion, intergranular corrosion;
heat-resistant / scale-resistant steels and alloys, which are resistant to operational loads arising at high or elevated temperatures (including in aggressive chemical environments):
heat-resistant steels that can function for a certain time at high temperatures in a loaded state, while retaining their original mechanical and thermal characteristics.
To buy various alloys in the big nomenclature of marks, domestic and foreign manufacture, company Avek Global offers. The supplier ensures the timely shipment of products to any point specified by the customer.
The fundamentals of the classification of steels and alloys by their structure and composition
Steels and alloys are also classified according to the chemical composition, by the presence of a predominant chemical element. Distinguish:
Steels and alloys on a nickel base;
Steels and alloys based on iron-nickel base;
Other types of steels and alloys.
Steels and alloys, depending on the basic structure obtained by cooling in air after high-temperature heating (or heat treatment) are divided into:
Martensite steels containing in the main structure martensite — a component that undergoes phase transformations during heat treatment;
Ferritic steels having a ferrite structure — a component that does not undergo phase transformations during heat treatment;
Austenitic steels with austenite structure;
Martensite-ferritic steels that contain martensite and at least 10% ferrite in the main structure;
Austenite-martensitic steels having austenite and martensite structure;
Austenitic-ferritic steels that have an austenite structure and at least 10% ferrite.
Avek Global sells rolled products from various grades of steels and alloys at reasonable prices. The supplier ensures the delivery of the products to any point specified by the customer.