Properties and applications of steels

Are you interested in the scope and properties of steels from the supplier AvecGlob? Here you will find interesting information on this topic.
Classification of steels
Steel is divided into groups depending on several factors. Depending on the percentage of carbon — a mandatory component of all steel grades, steel is distinguished:
Low-carbon (carbon content not more than 0.2%);
Medium-carbon (carbon content not more than 0.7%);
High-carbon (carbon content more than 0.7%).
According to the presence / absence of alloying elements (silicon, and manganese, as a rule, do not belong to them), the steels are divided into carbonaceous and alloyed.
In terms of the number of identifiable information about steels, quality steel is distinguished and steel is of ordinary quality. For the former, the chemical composition and mechanical properties are determined, for the latter, only the mechanical properties.
Depending on the application distinguish structural, construction, tool and bearing steel.
Supplier — the company AvecGlob — offers at affordable prices from the manufacturer a variety of steel in any quantity and assortment. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Several markings of steels have been adopted in the world. Steelworks in the US, Canada, Japan and other third world countries use marking based on two standards — American ASTM and ASME, as well as UNS unified marking (the latter is sometimes called a specification). Steel, which is produced in Western Europe, is labeled in accordance with DIN EN standards. In Russia and CIS countries, the marking of steels is made according to the rules of certain GOST, and for highly specialized steels there are branch specifications.
Properties of steels
They are divided into physical and mechanical. The physical properties of steels include:
Melting temperature;
Specific heat;
Specific heat conductivity;
Coefficient of thermal expansion;
Elastic modulus.
Mechanical properties include:
The limit of time resistance;
Yield strength;
Relative elongation at stretching;
Relative narrowing of the cross-sectional area;
For steels operated under special conditions, additional parameters may be included in the list of controlled properties: the Poisson’s ratio, the specific electrical conductivity, the electromagnetic characteristics, the fatigue strength limit, etc. Often the same group includes technological indicators, in particular, machinability, weldability, casting characteristics.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase various metals and alloys in any quantity and any nomenclature of profiles. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.