Copper brazing

Are you interested in copper soldering? Supplier Avlob offers to buy copper and any copper alloy at a bargain price. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of the products to any address in Europe or abroad. Regular customers receive a discount discount. The price is the best in this segment.
Technical specifications
Copper conducts heat well. A thin, but strong oxide film on its surface makes it very difficult to solder. Soldering is carried out with a soldering iron, a method of immersion in molten solder, gas burners. Low-temperature solders for soldering thin-walled parts were widely used. The use of cadmium solders requires special skills, because they are toxic. Large parts are soldered by gas burners, Supplier Avgloft offers to buy copper at a bargain price. The price is the best in this segment of rental.
Method of immersion
Copper tubular contours are immersed in a melt of solder and salts. Salts serve as a source of heat, giving a fluxing effect. In a hot bath, immersed pre-fluxed parts, they are heated in the melt of the solder and the solder fills the joints. The surface of the solder is protected by inert gas or activated carbon. After soldering in salt baths it is difficult to remove the remnants of flux and salts.
Soldering in furnaces
This method has become widespread in the industry, it is beneficial, since there is uniform heating without deformation of the welded products, even with their considerable dimensions.
Solders and fluxes
Before soldering tin-lead and other low-melting solders use aqueous solutions of ammonium chloride or zinc chloride, as well as rosin-alcohol fluxes. During soldering, fluxes based on fluoride salts of potassium and boron are used as silver solder.
Soldering in vacuum
Used to join copper with other metals. Such a method of soldering is relatively inexpensive, safe, carried out in vacuum furnaces or in containers that are loaded into conventional furnaces.
Delivery, price
Are you interested in copper soldering? Buy any copper alloy at an affordable price from the supplier Avgob today. The price is formed on the basis of European production standards. Supplier Avlob offers to buy copper and any copper alloy at the optimal price in bulk or at retail. We conduct rations under the order. We invite you to partner cooperation.