Application of copper

Are you interested in the use of copper and its alloys? Supplier Avlob offers to buy copper rolled products at a bargain price. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address in Europe or abroad, .Discount discounts are available to regular customers. The price is the best in this segment.
More than 30% of copper is used in alloys. Most industries today use copper alloys, such as brass and bronze. They are famous for their high aesthetic and decorative characteristics, today they are widely used in creating original interior details, in jewelry, souvenirs. Supplier Avlob offers to buy copper and copper alloys at a bargain price. The price is the best in this segment of rental.
Copper in its pure form
Used in electrical engineering: in the manufacture of contact buses and wires, in the production of cable products, power generators, telegraph and telephone equipment, as well as radio equipment. From copper rolled products, vacuum devices, heat exchangers, and pipelines are produced. High plasticity and toughness makes it possible to use it in the manufacture of different products with the most complicated pattern. Of red copper, which in the annealed state becomes very plastic and soft, it is possible to bend the most complicated elements of the ornament, and it is easy to twist all kinds of cords from the wire. In addition, copper wire is easily soldered with silver solder, gilds well and silvery.
Copper-nickel alloys
These alloys are silvery white. In nickel, the nickel content is 18−33%. Melchior has a beautiful appearance, it makes jewelry and dishes, as well as coins minted. Neusilber is a nickel-based alloy close to the nickel silver containing about 15% of nickel, about 20% of zinc. Such an alloy is used in the manufacture of medical tools, art products. Manganine-nickel-copper-manganese alloy and constantan (nickel-40%) have a very high electrical resistance. They are used in electrical measuring instruments.
Copper plating
Decorative nickel and chrome coatings applied directly to steel are very fragile, easily cracked and fall off. To eliminate this, steel is initially coated with a thin copper layer, and then with nickel or chromium. Only in this case electrolytic precipitation is of high quality. The coppering process is also carried out in order to facilitate the soldering of products and parts, since copper is very well subjected to soldering.
Delivery, price
Are you interested in using copper and its melts? Buy copper and any copper alloy at an affordable price from the supplier Avlob today. The price is formed on the basis of European production standards. Supplier Avlob offers to buy copper rolled products at the optimal price in bulk or at retail. We invite you to partner cooperation.