Methods of copper production

Are you interested in copper production? Supplier Avlob offers to buy copper rolled products at a bargain price. We guarantee timely delivery of products to any specified address. Regular customers can take advantage of discount discounts. The price is the best in this segment.
80% of all extracted copper is smelted from sulphide ores. Directly the process of obtaining metal consists of several operations: enrichment of firing, melting, converting, electrolytic and fire refining. Supplier Avlob offers to buy copper rolled products at a bargain price. The price is the best in this segment of rental.
Most of the impurity elements in the firing process is converted to oxides. Gases that are formed during the firing process, contain SO2, are used to produce sulfuric acid. Oxides of zinc, iron and other impurities, when melted, are separated in the form of slag. The liquid matte (Cu2 S and FeS impurity) is loaded into the converter. In the process of conversion, rough copper is produced and sulfur dioxide is released.
Fire refining
Liquid copper in the process of refining is saturated with oxygen. The admixtures of zinc, cobalt and iron are oxidized, then they go to slag, and after they are removed, copper is poured into molds for further electrolytic refining.
Electrolytic refining
In the electrolyte, consisting of a solution of CuSO4, sulfuric acid and a small amount of additives are added to produce a compact copper deposit. The admixtures of metals, which are contained in the «rough» raw copper, are divided into two groups.
1. Non-noble metals (Ag, Au) not undergoing anodic dissolution, form an anode slime together with other impurities. Along with copper, lead and tin are dissolved, but poorly soluble compounds form in the electrolyte, which precipitate and are removed.
2. Zn, Fe, Co, Ni. These metals have a much more negative electrode potential than copper, so they dissolve together with copper from the anode, but they do not precipitate on the cathode, but accumulate in the electrolyte in the form of sulphates.
Delivery, price
Are you interested in copper production? Supplier Avlob offers to buy copper rolled products at an affordable price. The price is formed on the basis of European production standards. Supplier Avlob offers to buy copper rolled products at the optimal price in bulk or at retail. We invite you to partner cooperation.