General helpNickel alloysTitaniumRare and refractoryStainless steelCopper, brass, bronzeBronzeCopperInteresting facts about copperWelding of copperWelding of copper with other metalsCopper processingApplication of copperCopper tubeCalculation of the weight of a copper pipe in millimetersCalculating the weight of a copper pipe in inchesCopper wireCircle, copper rodSheet, strip, copper tapeMethods of copper productionBrassNon-ferrous metalsAlloy SteelGrids and connections Consultant Alexander sales department +38 (063) 073-44-92 Ask question Send Subscription prices and deals Europe Ukraine Subscribe You can always disable the notification by clicking here Mainpage Reference Copper, brass, bronze Copper Copper tube Table - Calculation of the weight of a copper pipe. Dimensions and thickness of copper pipe. Millimeters.