Industrial use of copper

Are you interested in the use of copper in industry? Supplier Avlob offers to buy copper rolled products at a bargain price. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address in Europe or abroad, .Discount discounts are available to regular customers. The price is the best in this segment.
Electrical Engineering
Cable products and wires. Only copper of high chemical purity is of practical importance, since with increasing percentage of any impurities the electrical conductivity of a given metal falls. Copper wires are used in power transformers and electric motors. Thin sheet copper strip and tape are used in contacts of various electrical devices — from the rolling stock of rail and trackless vehicles to power current-conducting contacts and rectifiers.
Heat exchange circuits
Manufacture of heat exchangers, radiators, in the production of refrigerators, air conditioners, recuperators. Copper pipelines have high thermal conductivity, sufficient rigidity and corrosion resistance, are used in technological processes occurring up to t 130−150 ° C.
Other applications
Wire made of viscous and plastic red copper is used in jewelry, in the manufacture of various costume jewelery. The metal is well polished and polished, giving the finished products an attractive appearance. Copper strip and sheet are used for architectural finishing of public buildings, restoration of facade elements of buildings. Copper pipelines are used in various polymerization plants, since copper has high corrosion resistance. The latter quality also causes the use of copper parts in shipbuilding.
Delivery, price
Are you interested in the use of copper in industry? Buy copper and any copper alloy at an affordable price from the supplier Avlob today. The price is formed on the basis of European production standards. Supplier Avlob offers to buy copper rolled products at the optimal price in bulk or at retail. We invite you to partner cooperation.