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Density and specific heat of beryllium and beryllium alloys

Density and specific heat of beryllium and beryllium alloys

Are you interested in the density and specific heat of beryllium? Supplier Avlob offers to buy beryllium at a bargain price. We guarantee timely delivery of products to any specified address. Regular customers can take advantage of discount discounts. The price is the best in this segment.

Technical specifications

It is a hard and fairly expensive metal, toxic in powder form, a poor conductor of heat and electricity. It has excellent mechanical properties and a high level of chemical resistance. The main scope of its application is the alloying of alloys for structures operated under particularly difficult conditions. One of the most famous alloys of beryllium is the randol — copper-beryllium alloy.

Chemical symbol Be
Specific gravity 1,848 g / cm³
Melting temperature 1278 ° C
Boiling temperature 2970 ° C
Atomic mass 9
Specific heat of fusion 12.21 kJ / mol

Thermophysical properties

The molar heat capacity of beryllium (ratio of heat capacity to 1 mole of material) is 16.4 J / (K · mole). This is a physical quantity numerically equal to the amount of heat that must be transferred to one mole of a given substance in order for its temperature to change to unit. The molar heat capacity is usually denoted by the symbol C _ {\ mu}sometimes without an index or with another index (characterizing the conditions of the process of measurement).

The amount of heat (heat energy) necessary for heating the substance by 1 degree. Metal t ° C Units of measurement of specific heat. The specific heat.
Coefficient «C» — Ud. heat capacity Be 0−150 ° С kJ / (kg · deg)



In closed warehouses or under a canopy, where adequate protection against mechanical and other damages is provided.

Delivery, price

Supplier Avlob offers to buy beryllium at an affordable price. The price is formed on the basis of European production standards. Supplier Avlob offers to buy beryllium at the optimal price in bulk or at retail.