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Beryllium application industries and products

Beryllium application industries and products

Are you interested in the application of beryllium in different industries? Supplier Avlob offers to buy beryllium at a bargain price. We guarantee timely delivery of products to any specified address. Regular customers can take advantage of discount discounts. The price is the best in this segment.

Technical specifications

It is a rare-earth element of the second period, a very light and strong metal. Opened at the end of the eighteenth century. It is a hard and fairly expensive metal, toxic in powder form, a poor conductor of heat and electricity. It has excellent mechanical properties and a high level of chemical resistance. Supplier Avlob offers to buy rare earth metals at a bargain price. The price is the best in this segment of rental.


Increasing the hardness and strength of alloys, corrosion resistance of products. Beryllium bronzes of the type (spring contacts that spring at red heat) are quite widespread in engineering. Beryllides are intermetallic compounds of beryllium with tantalum, niobium, zirconium and other refractory metals. Beryllides have exceptional hardness and oxidation resistance, they can work more than 10 hours at a temperature of 1650 ° C.

Nuclear energy

Production of neutron reflectors and moderators. Oxide BeO is the most thermally conductive of all oxides and serves as a high-temperature insulator and refractory material, and besides metal beryllium it serves in nuclear engineering as an effective moderator and neutron reflector than pure beryllium, in addition, the oxide BeO in a mixture with uranium oxide is used as very effective nuclear fuel.

Laser materials

Beryllium aluminate is used for the manufacture of solid-state emitters (rods, plates).

Aerospace Engineering

Manufacture of brakes for aerospace engineering, thermal screens and guidance systems. Constructional materials on a beryllium basis have both easy, and strength, and resistance to high temperatures. Being 1.5 times lighter than aluminum, these alloys are at the same time stronger than many special steels.

Rocket fuel

Beryllium hydride has a much lower overall toxicity and cost than similar materials.

Refractory materials

Oxide BeO is used as a very important refractory material. It is considered one of the best refractory materials and at the same time it is the most heat-conducting refractory material.

Delivery, price

Supplier Avlob offers to buy beryllium at an affordable price. The price is formed on the basis of European production standards. Supplier Avlob offers to buy beryllium at the optimal price in bulk or at retail.