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Annealing of titanium in an inert gas, anoxic, vacuum and other

Annealing of titanium in an inert gas, anoxic, vacuum and other

Are you interested in annealing titanium and titanium alloys in an inert gas environment from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find interesting information on this topic.

Features of heat treatment of titanium alloys

Heat treatment of titanium products is usually not required. Annealing is carried out after plastic deformation operations with high degrees of deformation if plasticity recovery or improved machinability is required. Sometimes, for precise stamping or welding, annealing is used to remove internal stresses to avoid cracks or distortions in the configuration of the product due to high residual stresses. Annealing is also used to increase fatigue strength.

For qualitative oxygen-free annealing in an inert gas environment, preliminary surface cleaning is necessary, since all grades of titanium alloys are very sensitive to scaling at elevated temperatures. For cleaning use neutral solvents that do not contain chlorine or detergents, and then thoroughly wash the products with water.

Supplier — AvekGlob company — offers at affordable prices from the manufacturer various products, annealed using inert gas, made of titanium alloys. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.

Modes of annealing using inert gases

Most titanium grades are usually annealed in closed furnaces where an inert gas is supplied, at a temperature of about 538 ° C for 45 minutes. With the process temperature rising to 704 ° C and annealing for two hours, the fatigue strength of the products simultaneously increases. After anoxic annealing, the blanks are cooled in a calm air.

The use of a protective atmosphere during the annealing of titanium alloys is that this prevents the surface saturation of the parts with hydrogen (hydrogen leads to increased brittleness). In addition, direct exposure to a flame at temperatures above 649 ° C ensures the formation of a surface oxide film, which must be removed before processing on machines or presses.

An inert gas (dry argon or helium) is necessarily used if high annealing is required, the temperature of which exceeds 649 ° C. The protective atmosphere also blocks the surface discoloration of titanium blanks, for which it is necessary to carry out etching in nitric or hydrofluoric acid, salt melts and other technologies that increase prime cost of final products.

Supplier — the company AvekGlob — offers to purchase various designs made of titanium alloys and past annealed with the use of inert gases. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.