Australian Rio Tinto sold the shares Roessing uranium mine

Rio Tinto — the Australian mining company. It was closed the deal to sell uranium mine, Roessing. It is located in Namibia. So 68,62% of the shares went to China National Uranium Corporation. The transaction is valued at 106.5 million dollars. This was said back in November of last year. It is interesting that Rio Tinto will get only $ 6.5 million. The rest will depend on spot prices for uranium. In addition, the important role played by financial situation Roessing.
By the end of 2017, the mine was mined to 2.06 tons. An Australian company with an ulterior motive sold their shares. It intends to simplify the portfolio of assets. It is reported by its CEO. The company intends to focus on other activities. This refers to those that bring more profit. Size dezinfectarii of the company in 2017 amounted to 11.2 billion dollars. Shareholders of them went to 9.7 billion dollars.
According to experts, the world price of uranium will rise. More precisely, they will be restored. Since 2011, observed their active downfall. The reason for this was made by accident at a Japanese nuclear power plant «Fukushima». The year before, decreased supplies of uranium products from Kazakhstan. The same applies to deliveries from Canada. In the end, the market formed a balance. But suppliers of uranium products inspired recently. This is due to the decision of the American President Donald trump. He refused to introduce quotas on the import of uranium. Interestingly, the U.S. Department of Commerce was against it. They tried to convince him of the need to impose restrictions. The volume of imports of uranium in the United States was of the order of 18.15 tonnes. This refers to the last year. Imports has managed to cover about 93% of the total consumption.