Mednogorsky copper-sulphur plant built a new warehouse of sulfuric acid

At Mednogorsk copper-sulphur plant is a new facility. We are talking about the new warehouse of sulfuric acid. Its capacity is 12 thousand tons. It will be stored products of sulfuric acid production. For this purpose it is equipped in accordance with all current requirements. Warehouse complies with all standards of industrial safety. In addition, special attention was paid to environmental standards. The project has cost the company about 400 million rubles.
The new warehouse has three tanks. The height of each is 9 m and the capacity is 4 thousand tons. Beside them, there is a pump station. Here was assembled a knot of loading of sulfuric acid. The new equipment allows to pour the sulfuric acid from eight tanks. We are talking about rail tank cars. So in an hour filled to 360 tons. Thanks to the replacement of obsolete equipment, the enterprise must dispose of waste gases. Refers to gases copper plant. They are utilized in the sulfuric acid. As production volume increased, we had to build an additional warehouse. The finished product has simply nowhere to store.
The process of building a new warehouse launched in 2017. For its construction had to spend 3584 cubic meter of concrete. Of metal it took about 320 tons. The most important was the establishment of foundations for the tanks. Their quality depends on whether the substance to seep into the ground. To prevent this, apply modern technologies of protection. First of all, the waterproofing using geomembranes. This is a waterproof synthetic material. Its total area amounted to 2.5 thousand square meters.