SME Corporation and Norilsk Nickel will continue to cooperate

Corporation SME and enterprise «Norilsk Nickel» has decided to continue to operate. Together they intend to support small and medium businesses. 14 February, the company signed a cooperation agreement. Implement this on the Russian investment forum. The event was held in Sochi. Norilsk Nickel was represented by the Secretary of state. He serves as Vice-President on interaction with authorities and management. On behalf of the SME Corporation acted as the General Director. The signing of the document is an important step for both companies.
You know, «Norilsk Nickel» has long been a reliable partner of the state. The new agreement will allow to further implement the policy of the company. This refers to the field of business support. The enterprise actively participates in implementation of the national agenda. «Nornikel» — the first major Russian private company, which became a partner of the Corporation. This is explained by the fact that big business is interested in the development of SMEs. The document will help to establish cooperation «Norilsk Nickel» small and medium-sized companies. The company will promote the active development of companies, especially in terms of technology.
First of all, will be providing targeted support to SMEs. Initially this will affect contractors, «Norilsk Nickel». This includes both existing and potential. Will also be implemented joint activities. They will be used to support business activities. This applies to territories where mining and metallurgical company. Assistance will be provided in the production of new and high-tech products. Special attention will be given to improving the regulatory framework.