"Karabashmed" dismantles obsolete converters

The factory, «Karabashmed» refers to the Group «Russian copper company». It is located in the city of Karabash. So in its metallurgical plant launched the dismantling of old converters. At the moment dismantled the first of the three. First of all, was demolished his body and the upward flue. They then dismantled the rest of the associated equipment of the Converter. Now workers are busy parsing the platform Assembly services. Preparations are underway to dismantle the actuator and the supporting part. All units are scheduled to be put down until the end of the first half. They were functioning at the enterprise since the Soviet period.
Instead of the old converters have been installed three new. It aggregates the firm Kumera. They are gas-tight and the suction napilnik. The capacity of each is 150 tons. Two new Converter have been launched. In the second quarter of the current year it is planned to complete commissioning. Will be launched third new unit. This will be the last stage of a large scale modernization of the enterprise. It was carried out in the period 2017−2018. She contributed to the enterprise agreement with the Ministry of natural resources and environment. Also this was attended by Rosprirodnadzor and regional government.
In the process of modernization was mounted mechanized line. It performs the filling of blister copper. Special attention was paid to the washing system. All of her old items were replaced with new ones. The implementation of the modernisation project had cost more than 20 billion rubles. The counting was introduced for the period from 2004 to 2018. Also the process has increased the level of environmental safety.