The company "Severstal" has selected the contractors for construction on his plant

Cherepovets steel mill refers to the «Division „Severstal Russian steel“». It is scheduled to begin major construction. It concerns the main objects of the complex of coke oven battery № 11. Its design capacity is 1400 thousand tons per year. Severstal has already selected the contractors that will perform construction works.
Construction of the coke battery will be engaged in Moscow Trest «Koksokhimmontazh». He will create koksosortirovki and uglevodorov with shihtopodachi. The infrastructure will take the St. Petersburg company «INTECH». It will build branch condensation, water, energy and electricity. The company also will be engaged in the device of interdepartmental communications. The construction of coke dry-quenching installation will carry out the Cherepovets company «Koksokhimmontazh-2».
The construction of the complex will be implemented in the framework of a long-term program was developed by Severstal. It is aimed at upgrading facilities consoildate production Cherepovets steel mill. Program development was driven by the need to improve the initial stages of the production chain. A contractor who will carry out the operation, are years of experience. They are able to apply modern technology to improve the quality of the work. It will also impact positively on the deadlines for their implementation.
In addition, they do not forget about the protection of the environment. The functioning of the future unique unit minimum impact on the environment. New coke oven battery is a promising technology for compacting the coal charge. A similar decision in the past not been implemented.