At the Omsk refinery began the second stage of modernization

The Omsk refinery started to create a special infrastructure. It is required for basic processes. Of them is the second stage of modernization of the entire enterprise. Generated designs are necessary for the operation of oil processing. The installation is called ELOU-AVT. They also needed of the complex of deep processing. Not paid attention and equipment, coking (delayed).
The territory in which is conducted the construction process is over 150 hectares. According to the project provided by energy and electricity. Separately erected local block of the flare system. It also includes recycling of water. Created communication and pipeline system between shops. They are saturated with technical air and nitrogen. Separately, the building of a complex for the purification of water by chemical means. When it employs ion exchange technology. Their investment in the project of modernization has made Gazprom Neft. They made over 24 billion rubles. The end of the whole process envisaged for 2020.
At the initial stage should be carried out reconstruction of the secondary substation. It is the main. After its improvement plan to reach the capacity of 126 megawatts. This is almost 1.5 times more than current figures. Thus, it will be possible to efficiently distribute the electricity enterprise. In addition, it will be possible to equip its new production facilities. Existing equipment will also begin to work much more effective. The level of security at all facilities will grow significantly.