RMK has launched the construction of a new career

In late June, RMK has launched the construction of a new quarry in the Orenburg region. We are talking about the field «Radiant». It, in turn, is located in Dombarovsky district. The new project is explored deposits of copper-pyrite raw materials on the «Radiant». The experts at evaluation of stocks, evaluate them to 112 thousand tons. A proposed method of development of the field is open. The development period will be two years. At the initial stage of pit depth will reach 85 meters. For an organization practicing «Radiant» enclosed are all required for mining operations agreement. Also was obtained the permits, purchased the base and ancillary equipment. The list of equipment included bulldozers, excavators and graders, and other machines. Each item of equipment its purpose. For example, light dozer equipment plan to apply for removal of top fertile soil layer. After that, the soil will be stored in a separate warehouse. There he will remain until reclamation of the object.
According to the established schedule in the second half of 2017 at the field will start mining. Their annual production capacity will reach 55 thousand tons of ore. At the same time with open work will be carried out supplementary exploration of deep horizons. It is planned to produce in the Central part of the «Radiant» to a depth equal to 300 meters. The plans and excavation of experimental-industrial career. It will be produced for the selection process samples in relation to selected varieties of raw materials. After the bulk sample will be carried out factory tests at the factory ormet. In General, the stocks of copper and copper-zinc raw materials processing factory amount to 5.6 million tons.