RSIM continued modernization

Revdinskiy Zavod po obrabotke tsvetnykh metallov, part of UMMC, continued modernization. In early June, the company completed the installation of processing lines and finishing of tubular products. Installed it in the press drawing the factory shop. Was also set drawing mill drum. Now work on the start-up and commissioning of equipment. The work carried out in relation to start-up and commissioning of the two mills drawing — Schumag and 10−25 6−25. Is and setup rewind lines of pipes of rectangular cross section mill drawing VSG-1/1000. All equipment was moved from the condenser zone brass, copper-Nickel alloys of the shop.
When carrying out installation work was the evaluation of major components of equipment. After it will be put into operation, will start feeding the copper pipe. Their diameter ranges from 6 to 25 mm. the Relocation justified the modernization of the scheme of manufacture of rolled copper with the use of new equipment, «SMS Group». Its delivery is expected in the fourth quarter of this year. It should be noted that under a plan to install equipment equipped with new foundations. Was also made eyeliner communications lines.
Currently, the most time consuming process it is possible to consider the installation of OTTO JUNKER design. This furnace is designed for annealing of rolled copper. The main difficulty lies in the dimensions of the equipment. The length of the furnace reaches 40 meters, and when you consider the device for loading and unloading of products, all of 57.5 meters. It is expected that installation work will be completed by mid-autumn period. The first stage of technical re-equipment is actively promoted to the final stage. In this ongoing work does not affect the implementation of production plans.