On Electrozinc ends overhaul wellspace No. 3

For a little more than a month will be finished the repair wellspace No. 3 in the enterprise Electrozinc. Its main purpose is the manufacture of oxide of zinc, the production of commodity clinker. These materials are produced by recycling secondary materials containing zinc. The furnace capacity is 4 tons charge/HR. Stop for capital repairs was made in early 2017. Now experts of the enterprise prepare to make the final step to hold the lining of the body.
Overhaul wellspace is the procedure complicated, long and time-consuming. The length of the metal furnace body is 41 meters. It is a structure in the form of a pipe, the diameter of which reaches 2.8 meters. Design also includes a rotation mechanism and a number of auxiliary elements. Repair process consists of a complex variety of works. Basic is aimed at the dismantling of the lining, replacement parts furnace body, carrying out leveling of the housing and the back lining. For the works involved repair shop service along with the contractors.
The furnace repair was launched in February. After removing the lining repair service workshop was held on the breakdown of the Foundation located below the gear. Also the staff produced the opposite fill. This step allowed us to exclude the presence of Foundation cracks. After this work began, directly affecting the body of equipment. The most difficult stage can be considered a metal repair areas of the body. In accordance with the technological requirements the surface must be absolutely flat. In addition to housing repairs affected the drive of the furnace, flues, baghouse, conveyer economy. Total cost of repair has reached over 12 million RUB.