RUSAL is developing new alloys

In September of the current year the Corporation «RUSAL» has started to develop the technology for the production of nano-structured alloys of aluminum, which has high strength and is intended for use in the field of electrical engineering. The project is carried out Engineering and technological center of the Corporation on the basis of IrkAZ (Irkutsk aluminum plant). For the development and production of alloys in the foundry Irkutsk plant is planned to create an experimental setup, which is an extruder that uses the method of intensive plastic deformation.
According to preliminary estimates, investments in the project will amount to over 100 million RUB, of which the share of «RUSAL» will have about 40 million RUB. The remaining funds will be made in the framework of the Federal target program aimed at the research and development of scientific-technological complex of Russia for the period 2014−2020 Permission to conduct research on the development of the theory of technological fabrication of nano-structured alloys of aluminum Corporation RUSAL received after winning on the tender results, conducted by the Ministry of science and education R. F. Implementation of the project according to the original assumptions will occur by December 2016.
Introduction of technologies of application of nano-structured alloys of aluminum will give the possibility of increasing the strength of electric wires in half to two times, and the conductivity is expected to remain at the same level. New alloys will be used in electrotechnical and other industrial sectors.
Foundry Theological plant for the production of aluminium that is part of the Corporation «RUSAL», in September, commenced the second this year, orders received from Tatneft for the manufacture of aluminum protectors that protect from corrosion the inner surface of the tanks. By the middle of next month, according to preliminary calculations will be made 29 tons. Raw materials for the production of protectors comes with the Khakass and Sayanogorsk plant. This year the Theological, the company expects to deliver the company «Tatneft» another order, as a party of the protectors will get Nizhnevartovsk river port using this products for ship hull and protect the internal and underwater parts of floating and fixed structures.