Guide Tominsk GOK promises to keep the public informed of developments

At the beginning of August in the Chelyabinsk region, village Tominskiy experts Tominsk GOK, the project developed by «Russian copper company», together with the designers of the enterprise held a meeting with the population. The main purpose of the meeting was to inform the public of information regarding some of the intricacies of the project, including the technological aspects and activities aimed at the protection of the environment.
The meeting began with a brief presentation submitted by the chief engineer, with special attention in the report was given to the technology and the structure of production. Then followed the speech of the technical Director of the GOK, Victor Baron — the information provided to them the project was developed with the participation of 28 project companies, to environmental security, the control in this direction will be, at least, 10 state organizations focused on environmental protection. While such activities will be conducted throughout the life of the Tominsk GOK, as well as all the preparatory stages, from initial design to start of production. The Director highlighted the fact that GOK with sufficient liability relates to mining, and the development of the project, assess the plant’s impact on the environment, taking into account the opinion of the population of the village.
Reviewed the questions as to whether the village is in the sanitary-protective zone and the foreseen relocation of residents in case of change of groundwater level during construction works, and also touched on other topics. Special excitement caused possible damage to the environment and people’s living standards. According to V. Baron resettlement of people already scheduled to arrive 123 resident that this issue will be considered individually. This measure is necessary because the village is located on the border of sanitary-protective area of the projected Plant. Another standard solution consists in re-registration of the object in Sosnovskiy rayon — this automatically increases the amount of taxes to the budget. Answers not all questions, however, V. Baron claims that will take into account all wishes and requirements. The meeting was recorded, and the Protocol signed by the administration of Sosnovsky district and representatives of the GOK.