VSMPO-AVISMA is gaining momentum

British entrepreneurs have entered into an agreement with VSMPO-AVISMA will get titanium ingots already cast for them on the advanced technology. Now the products manufactured for company «Rolls-Royce», is subject only to two remelting instead of the previous three. In the first stage the metal is treated in garniturnoy a furnace, and then, on the second and final stage, is processed in vacuum-arc furnace. Melting the new technology takes place under the supervision of a specialist from the company «Rolls-Royce», Dave Smith. According to him the resulting alloy is premium quality and is intended for the manufacture of disks, and therefore the material requirements are very high, since for a rotating motor parts, you should minimize any possible defects. Originally obtained ingots of titanium will be produced billets (billets for extrusion), and then made stamping disc, which will then be installed on engines.
In August, Ekaterina Lebedeva, who served as the official representative of the company «Messier-Bugatti-Dowty», France, and Olivier replaced PEMA, the previous representative, visited VSMPO-AVISMA. The intense interest French companies to Russian companies is simple — «Messier-Bugatti-Dowty» is a provider of chassis for all kinds of «DreamLiner-787», producing them from forming from the Ural titanium manufacturer. E. Lebedeva visited the production workshop, watching the work of smelting, forging and mechanical processing production of VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation. The result of the meeting, the representative of the «Messier-Bugatti-Dowty," positively evaluating cooperation and suggesting its further development, offered the VSMPO-AVISMA to be ready to increase the volume of orders. In response, representatives of the Russian Corporation assured the representative of the French company in its willingness to supply any required quantities.
Ukrainian «Turboatom» also paid attention to the Russian Corporation, entered into an agreement with the «Energotrans» for supply of titanium welded pipes from VSMPO-AVISMA. The contract is worth 338,3 million RUB. This is not the first joint activity of the companies for 2010−2014 «Turboatom» produced the purchase of titanium tubes to the 3rd and 4th units of Rostov NPP, as well as 2nd and 4th Balakovo NPP.