For the period from January to June 2014, Evraz has improved

Compared with the period January-March of current year operating performance of the company from April to June 2014 increased by — if not to take into account intra-group deliveries, the volumes of manufactured products increased by 6%. Such indicators became possible thanks to increase of volumes of manufacture of rails and construction products in Russia simultaneously with the increasing demand in the domestic market. The volume of finished steel products decreased to 70%, whereas in January-March the figures were 74%. The volume of semi-finished products increased to 30% from the previous 26% due to lower volumes of intra-group supplies steel plates intended for re-rolling in the foreign productions of «Eurasia» in the finished product. The amount of produced iron ore products in Russia increased by 3% relative performance for the period from January to March this year.
The average income from the sale of primary steel products in Russia increased due to the growing demand of the domestic market, sold cost of tubular products and flat products in North America has increased in connection with increasing demand in the oil and gas industry. Income from the sale of iron ore products produced by the company in Russia has decreased, considering the price trends of the world market.
In General, the production of steel for the period January-June of the current year increased by 1.2% compared to the same period of last year, which amounted to 35.2 million tons. The production of steel tubular products increased by 3%, hire of ferrous metals — by 1.9%. In June 2014 the indicators of the Russian metallurgical enterprises increased by 7.3% compared to the previous year, but compared to may of the current year output fell by 1%. Indicators of finished manufactured products in annual terms increased by 8.4%, steel pipes by 2.9%, but compared to may of the current year the level fell by 1.1% and 3.4%.
The enterprises of Russia reduced the volumes of exported steel during the period January-may this year the figures fell to 58.7% compared to the same period last year, which amounted to 4380 tons. The decline mostly influenced by lower exports of primary billet is 93.1%, which amounted to 461 ton against the previous volumes in 6703 tons. The experts suggest that such a deterioration is directly connected with the difficult political situation in Ukraine, in the long term is one of the main countries that consume Russian products.