RUSAL is building new complexes

The company «RUSAL» continues to expand, building up new complexes — preparations are underway for the construction of foundry production at the Krasnoyarsk plant for smelting aluminum cylindrical ingots. This construction is the next stage in the project aimed at developing strategies to increase the share of alloys in our total production volume of the company. At the end of the current year the planned growth of 45% on the background of improvement of the Khakass and Sayanogorsk aluminium plants. Investing in Krasnoyarsk the project is estimated at about 45 million USD completion of works is scheduled for 2016. While there is a complex design.
The annual production capacity of the complex will amount to 120 thousand tons of products — cylindrical aluminium billets of various diameters (up to 460 mm), is widely used in the automotive industry. At the moment the company produces ingots with the diameter up to 200 mm. in addition to the automotive industry these products are supposed to be used in the packaging and construction industries. However, for the automotive industry ingots with a large diameter is preferable in terms of manufacture of these discs for small trucks and pick-UPS by stamping and forging.
By the end of the autumn of this year planned to complete the work on modernization of the complex № 2 of the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter. The volume of investments in the SAZ is approximately 22.8 million USD, with regard to the Khakass enterprises for the implementation of the program on technical re-equipment would require about 4.6 million USD.
In addition, the intention of «RUSAL» is a reconstruction of a certain part of the Urals plant for the smelting of aluminium — alumina production planned investments in the amount of RUB 37 million. Positive dynamics should manifest itself in next year, would save more than 40 million RUB by reducing the steam consumption after the reconstruction of the evaporating battery. According to a press release, the UAZ has a program aimed at reducing the cost of production of alumina in which from the beginning of 2014 with the production of 1 ton of alumina cost of sales decreased by approximately RUB 100. The improvement was due to the transition of raw materials with improved characteristics at the moment as the supplier used the middle Timan Deposit.