Construction of the century under the leadership

One of the major concerns for the extraction of Nickel and some other nonferrous metals from Norilsk lately not been on the front pages of the tabloids. If until recently the Corporation in the media associated with the environmental struggles of the company’s management and environmentalists, but now the media interest has caused a completely different fact. The construction of a new processing plant under the leadership of the Nickel giant demanded the rapid construction of four construction projects. Bystrinsky GOK requires an early entry into operation of all their industrial and domestic systems under the scheme «turnkey». Currently, the management of «Norilsk Nickel» has announced a tender for the project with the assistance of international organizations and domestic professional teams. Complete surrender of all objects is planned for late summer 2017. Moreover, the work plan is a phased delivery of each redistribution of a new plant. First in the task list is boiler station with large coal warehouses, its delivery according to preliminary calculations will be possible by mid-autumn 2016. The capacity of the new heating system is estimated at 75 Gcal/h, this capacity is enough to meet all energy needs of the enterprise. In the future, by may 2017 it is planned to complete the construction of a new enrichment factory complex, the design capacity of which experts estimate at ten million tons of ore annually useful. At the end of the project of the century by August 2017 will be commissioned in the modern camp, which will allow for the resettlement of employees (thousands of people). Construction work includes the launch of two supply substations to supply electric energy as industrial sites and office or residential premises. The substations will be announced two lines of air type. The leader of the Nickel industry plans to conduct all bidding activities in the shortest time possible, to be able by December 2014 to complete the signing of agreements and contracts and to proceed with the implementation of the objectives. Today the tender struggle in the very midst of the final and executor of construction works is still unknown, however, the preference for the management of «Norilsk Nickel» was given to domestic companies.