A solid Foundation for the development of Essar Steel Minnesota LLC

Recent political developments in the world and the constant fluctuations in the metal market became the reason for insecurity of shareholders, even large companies producing steel in his future. However, few of the shareholders considering selling their shares as a worthy alternative to exit the crisis. Was no exception and the stock group of known metallurgical giant under the name of Essar Steel Minnesota LLC American origin. Contrary to publicized media information on preparing the group for sale, the management of metallurgical company is not going to change the user and owner. According to the information Agency Platts the famous American steel giant has released a rebuttal to the false rumors in the beginning of the week. As reported by media earlier, the decision to sell the steel group from Minnesota was made a leading shareholder of the Corporation. However, contrary to inaccurate information, the Department of public relations of the steel giant was notified of the news Agency of leading publications and television companies about the successful closing of the financial statements of the bond financing 450 million U.S. dollars. Currently, investment in the steel giant complex for the production of iron ore account for nearly two billion American dollars. The capacity of this production at the independent analytical estimates approximately seven million tons annually. The closing financial report showed the effective work of the enterprise for the past years and has become an important stage in the development of the entire production group. The main objective of development of the company today is the fall in the value of the index of products and access to the world vast trade in pellets from iron ore. The CEO of the company is fully confident in the future of the steel giant and is not going to panic, even in conditions of protracted crisis phenomena in the economy. The entire staff of the company fully shares the view of the governing echelon and ready to work selflessly for the implementation of priority tasks on development and growth of their company. Today, the American steel giant takes a well-deserved leading place in formation of economic potential of their country. In the future, this position is promising to get stronger not only in the domestic commercial spaces, but also in the context of the entire world community.