Tin: Solar restore production, Indonesia reduces supplies

Far Eastern branch of OJSC «Sberbank of Russia» has placed the investment in a new project to restore the production of Solar enrichment plant copper, tungsten and tin concentrates. The project concluded an agreement with Open Joint stock company «Tin mining company» — the company consolidates the assets that once belonged to the Sun Goku: the saddle and the Festival field and the Solar concentrator. The main goal of the project is the restoration of the old and acquisition of new equipment, mining machinery, construction of infrastructure and reconstruction of capital objects. Also, the project envisages the commissioning of the Festival field, which will allow you to provide a place of 250 workers. Investments of «Sberbank of Russia» in the project is 400 million RUB., credit is extended for 60 months.
As Indonesia continues to reduce exports of tin — in March compared to the February data fell by 37.1%, reaching thus 5847,5 5997,5 tons, against tons. However, this situation is not surprising — after the limit was introduced on exports of this metal (the end of August 2013) in September, imports decreased significantly, the same can be said about the period from October to November. However, the situation has leveled off in December of last year, but by 2014, the data showed again a month mark of 5 thousand tons, and these data are lower than those that were before the restrictions on export by 30−40%. In General the analysts of metal mining in Indonesia for the year will fall from 90 thousand tons to 60 thousand tons. However, the reduction in Indonesian exports is not particularly strong impact on the market as Laos, Myanmar and other suppliers of tin to a certain extent up to the task.
Because Indonesia has imposed export restrictions, and domestic demand for tin in China continues to decline, manufacturers in China are set to increase the export of tin. It is natural that, given the shortage of supply on the tin market, China as the largest producer of this metal will rush in to fill the vacancy. Due to export restrictions from Indonesia, analysts expect five-year the lack of suggestions, which to some extent compensate for delivery from China. Over the last three years the value of the metal in China at the moment, below the quotations on the London stock exchange, which is dependent on production costs.