Political battles around Voronezh Nickel

The first year does not abate the struggle of environmentalists with developers of rich Nickel deposits in the Voronezh region. Battles are ambiguous, and the upper hand alternately, one or the other side. On the assertions of the opponents of the launch Nickel production to support their positions even in the ruling circles. Some leaders of the movement, in this context, referring to Sergei Glazyev, who is now the Secretary of the Russian President. By such scandalous information could not pass media, therefore, this statement was widely copied in the press and on television. Official confirmation of this version of the fifth power was not found, but the smoke without fire does not happen. Close to the Secretariat officials said that the controversial letter to the leaders of the environmental movement has been really sent, but it expressed a purely human position of Sergey Glazyev and irrelevant to the duties of a statesman. Another theory has the right to exist, came from the reception room of the Secretary of the Russian President. Here members of the press were assured that the long-suffering letter did not leave the walls of the Secretariat, and remained here as personal thoughts Glazyev devoted to the paper.
Which version is more true is anyone’s guess, but one thing is undeniable, this information has stirred up active defenders of the natural resources of the Voronezh region from harmful Nickel production. Ephemeral support such a high official to unite disparate environmental forces and put their struggle in a new historical stage. Because now the defenders of the natural resources of the protected area refer not only to the lack of prospects in these developments, but I doubt the economic feasibility of building a similar production in the conditions of constant reduction of prices on many kinds of non-ferrous metals on the world metal exchange. Although to assess fully the potential of this field and the economic benefits from its use at the stage of preliminary geological exploration works is difficult. So the rightness or the short-sightedness of both one and the other side of the environmental opposition will be able to confirm the time. One, of course, the environment of the region will be completely ruined, Nickel production, and health of the indigenous population severely undermined.