Prospects for growth in market prices of ferro titanium

Titanium and alloys on its basis it is highly demanded in various industries today. And it is equally popular as a finished titanium products and the addition of pure material in a variety of mixtures and compounds for production purposes to give them additional performance. Special attention in this compartment deserve ferro-alloys titanium-based. Because the supply in this sector almost never hold up to the demand. Therefore, the development of this sector is considered very promising and suggests a permanent increase in the price of the final product. According to preliminary estimates, the market of ferro titanium, conducted by independent scientists publication Metal Bulletin, prices for this material will continue to grow and strengthen. The basis for this was the increased demand for the products of this market segment. Today, even the lower limit of the price range for titanium product is much higher than usual cost of such raw materials (about six us dollars per kilogram). No declines are not expected in the near time period. Because the disruption of the supply of titanium sponge, resulted in a significant increase in the cost for titanium Ferroalloy.
Despite such promising prospects, the participants of the market of ferro titanium somewhat concerned about hidden processes in the market structure. The General opinion notes some explosive situation. All the participants of the struggle for titanium supplies do not exclude the possibility of any incidents. Because of the opportunity to buy the necessary raw materials on the background of such a critical shortage required in the full sense of the word a lot to overcome. As the price of the material is quite rapidly increasing, manufacturers are in no hurry to announce the final cost, preferring to put their product on auction. This situation adversely affects the General market indexes and adds in the procurement process excessive nervousness. However, the suppliers are very optimistic and expect in the very near future a significant increase in their profits. By the way, a similar increase in the cost of ferro titanium is expected to remain short-term and protracted nature, and thus the titanium market will continue to constantly strengthen. It is interesting to note. What is their contribution to the price growth brought not only a shortage of such material, but several of the protracted new year holidays, which destabilized the arrival of the Titan from Russia to the international market.