Belarusian MOH: modernization – the key to success

At the Belarusian metallurgical plant over the next reconstruction, which was upgraded object «PSU-1» and «DSP-1». The steelmaking arc furnace is an upgrade for the third time, while the reconstruction of the «PSU-1», is inseparable from the «DSP» part, began much earlier than happened stop the oven. In order to obtain the possibility of upgrading the dust-gas handling installation, between the leaders of the Belarusian M. Z. and company «WaterGroup» Finland, an agreement was reached on the subject of the joint project.
Upgrade, applied to the «PSU-1», will give the opportunity to improve the ecology and economy of purification. Opportunities for heat recovery will allow the plant to significantly reduce the amount of combustible natural gas. Before the reconstruction for the cooling of the flue of furnace partially water was used, the heat did to the boiler room, where were distributed through the shops and domestic buildings for heating. The change improved the process: instead of water use prospaltella system, with great efficiency, so we get in the process heat can be used not only for heating, but also to put in processes to ensure the operation of vakuumatorom. Before the reconstruction in order to obtain the desired amount of steam, required additional fuel consumption.
To improve the environmental situation could also impact the increase in the entire area of the filter. Bag filters, the use of which is provided by technology, ensure the purification of gases 99.5 per cent — and this in conjunction with the magnification selected for the purification of gases by 80%. Work carried out at the Belarusian metallurgical plant, very ambitious — only upgrade installation of gas purification demanded the installation of not less than 1200 t of steel structures. This work was carried out not only with the «PSU-1» and «DSP-1» — improvements have been «caster-2» («a Machine for continuous casting of billets»).
In total, the project involved more than 15 organisations number of employees involved in mounting and construction works exceeded 400 people. The solemn launching ceremony has completed the steelmaking process Architect with boron, and then the steel was transferred to the rolling diameter of 9 mm, after which it will be sent to HNVF-3 to manufacture valves under orders from Finland, Germany and Sweden.