Nickel, iron and magnesium in the composition of some planets of the solar system suggest the possibility of presence of life on them

The first year a group of American scientists from the University of Aberdeen in the United States, and the representatives of the team from NASA’s Kepler explores the possibility of the existence of some life forms on different planets located in the Solar system. To confirm their hypothesis, scientists carried out various experiments to determine the composition, both new and already known planets. When measuring the dynamic mass it turned out that many objects of study that are the size of a few smaller than Earth, are comprised of silicate Nickel compounds, glandular structures and magnesium. This feature will allow scientists to assume the existence of life is not so much on the surface of planets, like our Earth, but in their depths and thicker of the associated stars. Moreover, the presence of the above metals so far from the usual for us environment allows you to turn first timid speculation about life outside our planet is almost in confidence.
The search for new planets similar not only in size but also in composition to the Earth is the main task for the Kepler team of scientists. Long-term research in this field made it possible to open a lot of unknowns to this day, cosmic entities, the weight of which is in its numerical terms, somewhere between the mass of the Earth and Neptune. By itself, the surface of the newly discovered planets is unlikely located to the proliferation of life forms, because it is cold and barren, and does not have the usual atmosphere. Therefore, the presence of the living world in the earth is thicker under the surface of the newly discovered objects is a very strong interest for scientific minds. Despite the fact that the habitable zone is familiar to us in the solar system extended only to Mars, new discoveries allow to increase the space at least to Jupiter. And life can be present even on the planets of the drifting type that wander in space in absolute darkness. In addition to metals similar to those of terrestrial samples in the subsurface area of new planets may contain water in a liquid state. Water substance according to preliminary calculations, can penetrate up to five kilometers inside the planetary series. By the way, there in the planetary depths is concentrated and the bulk of the heat produced by the object. The totality of these factors allows to consider the presence of life forms, even where previously such a possibility was not considered at all.