Prospects for the development of copper Russia

Company in mining and producing copper have a direct effect on the health industrial complex as the expanse of our country and beyond. Today, there are several leading companies in the industry that make copper weather everywhere. Among such recognized giants as RUSAL or NORILSK Nickel recently took the Ural complex (UMMC) and power RMK or a copper company in Russia.
The mining and processing nature of the Urals from the middle of 2010 took the first position in the copper production industry and manufacture some other non-ferrous metals. Despite the reluctance of corporate management to devote masses to the results of its activities, it is still possible to make a conclusion about the growth of the production capacity of the plant. Now, when the situation on the copper market is quite stable and does not cause significant concerns for the future, the company is actively modernizing production and rekonstruiruet technological equipment. The result of the conversion was the launch of the first line of a new plant for the production of raw copper by electrolysis. This line will provide about 150,000 tons of copper cathode excellent, with high quality indicators annually in addition to current volumes. Retooling of the plant cost its owners in four and a half billion rubles in the national currency. Now the production capacity of copper cathode of this enterprise grew to half a million tons annually.
Except the Ural copper enterprises increased attention in this compartment deserves a RMK. According to conservative estimates, the production capacity of the company only for 8 months of this year has already exceeded the figures for the whole of last year. In addition, it is important to note that almost the entire volume of products RMK exports abroad. Despite the rather pessimistic forecasts of the domestic authorities, which promise reduced copper supplies, the producers of this material will be to fight for the preservation of the results this year. For now, the copper raw material is becoming increasingly rare and its production is very cost-effective. If the government expected the volume of deliveries next year will amount to only eighty percent of current indicators, the Industrialists are configured to retain one hundred percent of its capacity at any price.