The growth of production volumes of "Ural steel" effect on wages of its employees

In the autumn of the current year the growth of production capacity Novotroitsk plant called «Ural steel», which is a concern, occupying a leading position in the market of steel production of METALLOINVEST, both in the context of domestic production, and abroad, determined the need for reconstruction.
The key to improving performance in the first place, the company was faced with an acute shortage of the commodity quality cast iron. Therefore, the conversion of the plant began with the reconstruction and the modernization of the blast furnace shop. The result of the upgrade equipment was the increase in total output of cast iron by nearly forty percent, compared to the previous possibilities.
For implementation of reconstruction plans concern the equipment of a fundamentally new nature, which will not only increase production but also reduce the time of the technological cycle and increase safety. In addition to the main process cycle, the radical changes undergone laboratory equipment, perform Express analyses used in the production of raw materials and finished commercial product. Possible upgraded the research center will allow half an hour after making to judge the quality of products.
Increased capacity of the plant required an upgrade of storage facilities and the reorganization of the staff, to better ensure production. By the way, the dedicated employees of the company, the steering group appreciated and marked the expansion of production capacity by raising wages by five percent. In the opinion of the management team of the steel giant in these difficult times for manufacturers of steel products days only understanding of the staff, and his complete dedication to the work has enabled the enterprise with minimal losses to go through a difficult phase of life. After all, people are the main wealth and asset of any industrial enterprise, whereby it is possible to further dynamic development and the development of new industries giants of the steel industry. The joint efforts of the initiative management team and cohesive workforce will allow for a long time «Ural steel» not to release the palm from the hands.