New technology for aluminum

Aluminium is one of the most popular construction materials, which are effectively used both in pure form and is part of many important technological alloys. Therefore, the processing technology of the raw material is constantly improved and production volumes increased.
Special attention in this direction deserve some projects of the Russian company «RUSAL», which includes large plants for the production of aluminum in Krasnoyarsk region, Irkutsk and Sayanogorsk presented at the Congress of international importance under the name of «Nonferrous metals» in 2013. The basis of the presented developments is the improvement and modernization of electrolysis system at the enterprises belonging to the group, expanding the range of alloys and increase the number of produced raw materials. Some noteworthy environmental activities, are presented to the public and solution to the commodity problem.
New technology acid processing of ores containing aluminium, which was developed by a team of engineers and technical staff of the company, will allow you to obtain a large amount of required material to ensure raw material base of the enterprises for manufacture of aluminium. Currently, the new technology is successfully tested in laboratory conditions, providing a product of satisfactory quality. Production testing of the new methodology and its testing in conditions of continuous production cycle it is planned to produce in cooperation with canadian colleagues. According to conservative estimates, deposits of ore rich in aluminium in one of Siberia exceeds twenty billion tons. The introduction of the acid method of processing the original ore material will allow to solve a question with shortage of raw materials for aluminum smelters for many years.
The transition of some companies from the core group of «RUSAL» on a new environmentally friendly technologies can significantly reduce the aluminum leader emissions of harmful substances into the environment. Currently, it is no exaggeration to say that thanks to a clever strategy of development and introduction of new technological developments on their industrial enterprises of Siberia became a full-fledged leader of all Russian metallurgical industry. And conducting of conferences and congresses such «non-ferrous metals — 2013» allows you to draw new ideas for development and solutions for the most complex problems all the metallurgical enterprises of the country and the foreign sector.