Ukrtruboprom initiates anti-dumping investigation in the supply of stainless tube

Centravis made
with the support of the position of enterprises «Ukrtruboprom» regarding the beginning of the
anti-dumping proceedings against imports of Chinese seamless pipes of
stainless steel. Recall that in recent years the volume of Chinese imports in
Ukraine has grown more than 3.5 times, and its structure is significantly shifted to
side goods of a lower grade. On this basis, is now growing
imbalance, which negatively affect the structure of the domestic market of the country.
This proceedings is a necessary continuation of the process
took place earlier than in the European Union and the Customs Union, the essence of which
consisted in the study and analysis of the imports of such products from China and
the adoption of all necessary measures to protect the domestic market of the countries participating in these
alliances from dumping. Analysts believe that such actions can help
to minimize the reorientation of imports from the European Union and
The customs Union the Ukrainian market and to minimize further
the increase in imports of Chinese low-grade stainless steel pipes.
Recall that business combinations «Ukrtruboprom» was
founded in 1991 by decision of the seven trumpet enterprises, including State
pipe Institute and its experimental factory. This is one of the first branch
associations created in independent Ukraine. The objective of this initiative was
the establishment of the company, which would improve the efficiency of the
pipe plants in the country, improvement of mutually beneficial cooperation,
the introduction of innovative technologies and ensuring the national economy of Ukraine
high-quality tubular products. To date, the Association
«Ukrtruboprom» unites eleven specialized pipe companies
countries including the newly built plant «dneprostal» (Corporation
«Interpipe»), PJSC «Khartsyzsk pipe plant», LLC «AG STEEL», «Lugansk
pipe plant», the certification body of SE «VNITI-TEST», the above mentioned Institute.
By J. E. Osada, and others known in Ukraine and outside of the organization.