HAZ has released a trial batch of aluminum splashes launched a pilot batch of aluminum alloy

As the press service of «RUSAL», Khakassia
aluminum plant (HAZ), operating on the basis of the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter
(part of the group of companies «Russian aluminum») recently released the first
a trial batch of alloys on the basis of the «winged metal» for the automotive
Recall that since the commissioning in December 2006
year, the Khakassian aluminium plant produces aluminium A8 and brands
A85 of the highest quality. According to experts of the enterprise, despite
the current high demand for quality aluminium in the world market,
to deal with the issue of cruise alloy metal is much cheaper, since,
the margin on such goods is much higher.
Recently, the plant produced the first trial batch foundry
alloy wheels brand А365.2 with total capacity of 52 tons. The customer must now
to give his expert opinion regarding the quality of the product. According to
Anton Savchenko, who served as Managing Director of Khakass
aluminum plant, the protracted crisis in the global aluminum industry
makes market actors to minimize costs and to seek
way more profit.
To the subsequent increase in production of alloys
Khakass aluminum plant will need some modernization
existing equipment and production. Work on this project on
today is engaged in the engineering technology center RUSAL
located in Krasnoyarsk. «Among other things, will require the purchase and installation of
innovative equipment» — share their perspectives of the representatives of the United
of the company.
Recall that now the Corporation «Russian aluminium» is the leading
global aluminium producer and one of the largest manufacturers in the world
alumina. This group of companies was established in March 2007 (at the confluence of the assets
«RUSAL» and «SUAL» with the alumina enterprises of the Swiss Corporation «Glencore»).
Today, the organization owns a large portfolio projects from
which are implemented in thirteen countries on five continents.