Kola MMC upgrades the production

In refining the shop subsidiary of MMC «Norilsk
Nickel» — the Kola mining and metallurgical company — was recently introduced in
operation according to the project scheme, the input node gases (hydrocarbon gases) in the sulfate Department.
Infusion of investment, which was carried out by the Corporation in the project on
date exceeded 20 million.
Engineers «Kola» explain: «hydrocarbons is a composite
the technological part of the gas flue which is used for flow distribution
sulfur dioxide (that comes in as a fluidized bed furnaces). This technological
the node combines the functions of a collector and dispenser, thereby significantly
simplifying the scheme for feeding the gas mixture in the sulfate Department. The positive effect of
from upgrading especially noticeable in the transition from one scheme of production of sulfuric
acid to another: the input node gases gives the plant operator the opportunity
go to more efficient technological mode of production without
interrupting the cycle.»
Experts working in the refining shop at the end
three-month test operation, the unit noted that in the process of testing equipment
capture of gas was significantly improved, and its concentration in sulfuric acid
the Department has increased markedly. Using the input node gas temperature gas
the mixture discharged from the refining plant in the sulfate Department, was
increased by ten degrees. The specialists said that innovative
mode temperature helps to minimize the likelihood of corrosion changes and
leakage of the flue. And this, in turn, entails a reduction in the number
scheduled repairs and technological cleansing, in which
employees of the company from the duct manually removed over 100 tons of dirt and
Recall that the Kola mining and metallurgical company is
a leading enterprise in the Murmansk region. The company is engaged in mining
copper-Nickel sulfide ores and manufacture of non-ferrous metals. Main products
manufactured by the company is of electrolytic copper and Nickel carbonyl
Nickel powders, cobalt concentrate and concentrates of precious metals.
The products of the Kola mining and metallurgical company in demand not only in
the territory of Russia, but also widely used in many countries of the world.