AVISMA will build a new plant for production of titanium sponge in South-East Asia

As it was recently stated by the representatives of the Corporation
«VSMPO-AVISMA», the management in cooperation with specialists of the company «Vietnam
National Coal-Mineral Industries» in the process of implementation
a new project on construction of plant for production of titanium sponge from ilmenite
on the territory of the Republic of Vietnam.
According to Mikhail Voevodin, who served as General
Director «VSMPO-AVISMA», the issue is now at the stage of discussion and
revision. «To date, completed pre-feasibility
justification of the proposed project. Conducted various workshops,
consultations, negotiations. According to preliminary data, the estimated capacity of the plant
is estimated at 20 thousand tons of products per year. Preliminary volume
investments in the project is estimated at $ 500 million,
however, these are yet to be confirmed, and the project is finalized," said
reporters the head of Russian titanium monopoly.
Recall that the Corporation „VSMPO-AVISMA“ is the leading
world manufacturer of titanium products. The company’s share on the world
the aerospace market is estimated at 30%, and global industrial
the market, including non-ferrous metals, shipbuilding, engineering and
energy at 25%. Most of the products produced by the Corporation
is exported, while the domestic market comes about
one third of the total production. Among the leading consumers of „VSMPO-AVISMA“ —
industrial giant „Boeing“, „Airbus aircraft Corporation“, and
such major consumers of titanium and alloys on its basis, as the „Rolls Royce“, „SNECMA“,
"Pratt&Whitney» and more than 300 direct partners in 48 States across
the planet.
As recently stated Andrey Tretinnikov occupying
the post Analytics at the Agency, «Rye, Man & Gor Securities», the growth of economic
performance in 2012 ensured stable demand for titanium from the
subjects aircraft industry, and this resulted in the growth
production capacities of VSMPO 19%. «And despite the fact that the average
the price of titanium and titanium products in the past year decreased by 11%, titanium
the market, in comparison with the markets of other metals, holds more than confidently» —
the expert says.