ARMZ launched a unit for production of rare earth metals

Mining concern «ARMZ» (JSC Atomredmetzoloto) has recently
began a series of tests of an innovative installation for the extraction of REE mines the main type in
Kurgan region R. F. This unit is designed to concentrate
rare metals from waste ore after beneficiation of uranium. Regardless
the fact that ARMZ is part of Rosatom, which controls all
nuclear assets of the country, the latter does not consider it necessary to personally carry out
the funding for the project and enlisted the cooperation of owners of private
Innovative equipment that will be used on
the above mine is now estimated at 1.06 million dollars. Private
investor innovations were made by LLC «Intermiks Met». «Our company
interested in the fact that the installation was successfully tested on Galore,
as the leadership of our organization plans to use the same units for
other objects» — commented the representatives of the investor company.
Concentrates of rare earth metals and of aluminium (which also
it is possible to get at the install) can find its wide application in many
the industries of Russia. In the foreseeable future on the development of the project
should be involved in more, at least 15.16 million dollars.
It is projected that by 2023, these units will produce 134 tons of expensive concentrate
REE, that will provide a solid income to investors and a significant infusion into the budget of Russia.
Today in Russia there is a situation that
implementation of programs and projects for the extraction and processing of rare earth metals
takes place in a country only with the help of private investment. In the opinion of management
The state Corporation «Rosatom», the demand for rare earth elements from domestic
enterprises is low. But because the company is in no hurry to make an independent monetary
injections in this area.
We will remind that holding «Atomredmetzoloto» is one of the leading
companies for the extraction of uranium in the world. The company is in the top three among
uranium mining companies in the production of this resource and is located on the second
place in terms of the mineral resource base for this metal. It is also known that ARMZ
is the mining division of the State Corporation «Rosatom» (80,475% of the shares
JSC Atomredmetzoloto, owned by JSC «Atomenergoprom»).
At the moment the company «ARMZ» is more than ten
of thousands of employees. Enterprise organizations located not only in the territory
Russia, but also abroad (including in territories of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan
and Kyrgyzstan). Last year the company released 7572 tons of uranium that
amounted to about 14% of world production of the resource.