VSMPO-AVISMA will supply titanium forgings for the new Airbus

Russian titanium giant «VSMPO-AVISMA» and the largest
aircraft manufacturer Airbus are complementary to the contract signed earlier on
cooperation. In particular, it was expanded to the «old» contract for the shipment
forgings of titanium for aircraft, «A350−900» supplementary agreement on
the supply of three types of workpieces for liner «A350−1000». While initially the term
the Treaty stipulates by 2020, however, the parties believe that
the possibility of extension more than likely.
According to experts, the new aircraft of Airbus
— the plane «A350−1000» (this is the large model aircraft company from
a series of «A350») — is currently in the process of flight tests
started in the beginning of last month. Commercial operation 73-meter
airliner — according to the plans of management of the Corporation — will begin in the second
half of 2014. Forming of titanium, which will be shipped by the Corporation «VSMPO-AVISMA»,
intended for the manufacture of elements of the wing and the main landing gear of the new aircraft.
Representatives «VSMPO-AVISMA» claim that their company
is a major supplier of titanium products to Airbus: verkhnesaldinskiy
the organization covers more than 60% of the demand of European airlines in this
metal. Acting now is the global contract between the companies was signed
in 2009, for the period until 2020. Its total cost is estimated at more than 4
billion. In the framework of the above mentioned agreements, «VSMPO-AVISMA»
performs the shipment of titanium products, not only for Airbus, but also provides
«winged metal» other units «European Aeronautic Defence and Space
Company». According to the management of the Russian enterprises of the company «AVISMA»
supplies of flat and round hire from titanium alloy and titanium
forgings for many projects, the European Aerospace and Defense
The company, which is the largest partner in the group of companies «Eurofighter».