VSMPO-AVISMA and SEZ Titanium valley: new terms of cooperation

As the message Artemy Kyzlasov — General
Director of the management company «Titanium valley» «VSMPO-AVISMA», JSC «Special economic
area Titanium valley» plan to sign in the foreseeable future the agreement
according to which the companies-SEZ residents will have the opportunity to buy from
the Corporation titanium raw materials in the foreground. This statement was made
for journalists at the exhibition «Innoprom-2013».
The implementation project of a special economic zone
industrial-production type «Titanium valley» implies that
Verkhnaya Salda (Sverdlovsk region) will be concentrated plants
the processing of titanium for the needs of the aviation industry, aerospace, shipyards,
automotive, energy, industry, medicine, and also company
for the production of engines and the organization and other profiles activities. Regarding
these companies Artemy Kyzlasov noted that the above mentioned agreement
should: if the resident Titanium valley or titanium
the cluster plans to purchase «VSMPO-AVISMA» not less than two hundred tons of titanium in
year, it will be ensured by the supply of metal in order of priority.
Artemy Kyzlasov also laid emphasis on the fact that the average
enterprises, including foreign ones, is rather problematic to access Russian
titanium raw materials in view of the fact that «VSMPO-AVISMA» cooperates with
very large customers. «Among our clients and potential
available — there are companies that produce titanium products with quite
high added value (e.g., Golf clubs)» comments
the situation, the head of UK. «The partnership with them can be attractive for
of the Corporation, as such cooperation will help us to diversify risks with respect
stability orders» — has concluded the representative of top management «Titanium
Previously reported: on the territory of the special economic zone
it is planned to introduce certain tax benefits — residents will not be
be levied on property, transport and land and income tax will be
reduced by almost a quarter (with the usual 20% to 15.5%). To participate in the project
has the ability any company producing products made of titanium with high
added value. In the first three years the amount of capital investment
in the development of the industrial site from a resident enterprise shall be equal to three (or
more) million euros.