Russian copper company will use the korkinsky mine as a waste repository

The management of the Chelyabinsk region plans to transfer the «Russian
copper company» the korkinsky coal mine with the purpose of using it in
as storage of waste materials Tominskoye mining
the plant processing copper ore. At the moment this is
a large incision in Europe and Asia is in the possession of «Chelyabinsk
coal company».
Talk about the need to reclaim the korkinsky mine
being particularly active since the beginning of last year, when Vladimir Putin visited
the village of Rosa, located close to crumbling career. At the end of the visit
President, the leadership of the Chelyabinsk region launched a program immediate
the resettlement of inhabitants of emergency settlement, to which were
decorated a number of loans. According to Mikhail Yurevich, Governor of Chelyabinsk
region, now the cut can be used as storage for
waste copper ore with Tominskoye Deposit in the vicinity.
Mikhail Yurevich also noted that local authorities now
strongly encourage «Russian copper company» to begin work on the second
field in the region. For this purpose RMK and Sberbank have already been signed
General agreement on credit lines in the amount of 30 billion rubles. Work on
the field started and in a short time, maybe, waste rock will be
also stored on Korkinsky coal mine.
Recall that the «Russian copper company» at the moment
is on the third place among Russian manufacturing enterprises
cathode copper and second largest producer of wire rod of copper. On the copper market
in Russia the share of RMK is 18%, and on the world market — 1%. Part of the «Russian
copper company» has a number of innovative projects in the field of development of mineral resources in
Russia, in addition, the holding holds licenses for development of fields in
the territory of Kazakhstan.
In Russia, enterprises located in the Chelyabinsk RMK,
Sverdlovsk, Novgorod, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk areas, and also in
Altai region. The holding company is in the list of strategic companies of Russia and
is the largest employer in the Ural region (today
the number of employees copper campaign exceeds 7 thousand people).