In the Murmansk region is developing the production of rare earth metals and titanium dioxide

In the middle of this week in the Murmansk regional Duma
held a meeting devoted to the reports of the Krai Government on the performance of
the administration of the region in 2012. The event was announced trends
development of enterprises for minerals extraction, including
titanium dioxide, rare earth metals, Apatite, and other resources.
As stated Marina Kovtun, Governor
Murmansk region, the completion of the second stage of the launch is extremely important for the region
the investment project «Construction of the GOK Oleniy Ruchey» is one of the most significant
events of the past year. Starting work was scheduled to begin in 2013
however, previously scheduled preparatory work was reduced and in
December 2012 NWPC made shipments of its products —
Apatite concentrate.
The statement also mentioned that now in the region
managed to create about 2.5 thousand new jobs, and the amount of financial
injections exceeded 15 billion rubles.
The evaluation of the main social and financial performance
development of the region in the past year, Marina Kovtun made an emphasis on the fact that
the region strongly supported the investment program of JSC «Kovdor
Mine.» In the implementation of these projects was carried out renovation of production
capacity, in addition, the company received tax exemption status. The volume
financial investments in the project totaled RUB 9.3 billion.
The Governor, among other things, promised to continue the policies
recovery the mining of rare earth metals on the basis of
fields region. In cooperation with the Kola scientific center of RAS
compiled program for the creation of the Kola chemical-technological cluster, and
also developed a plan for the establishment of a centre nanomaterialien based on the Kola
science centre (now the proposals are under consideration
The Ministry Of Industry And Trade). The first event in connection with the project, will launch
production of titanium dioxide and rare earth metals in the development of Afrikanskogo
field. First and foremost, considers the options for obtaining
rare earth components by means of complex processing of ore leading mining companies
region: JSC «Apatite», «Kovdor», «Kola MMC» and other applicable
businesses in the region.