Country conclusions on the stainless steel sector

Japan has published statistics on volumes of foreign sales of stainless steel
steel. So, according to the Ministry of Finance of the state, the producers of corrosion-resistant
metal of the country in April 2013 reduced the volume of shipments of stainless
hire foreign contractors to 4.5% (in comparison with the same period
last year). The volume of exports of these products during the specified period made up 63.59
thousand tons, which is 12.4% less than in March 2013. In General, since the beginning of 2013
years of Japanese exports of rolled stainless steel decreased by 9.3% in comparison
with the same period (246,5 thousand tonnes in absolute terms) in the past year.
As the volume of production of stainless steel, seven
leading manufacturers in Japan earlier this year reduced them by almost 6%.
In January, the Japanese plants were produced 312,6 thousand tons of the metal this
category, and in February — already of 294.1 thousand tons. Analysts note: this
a trend was observed previously in 2012, Japan has reduced export supplies
rolled stainless steel 6.4% (they amounted to 1,177 million tons in
absolute values).
At the same time, the Turkish authorities indicate the increasing
the interest of local consumers to imported stainless steel metal. So,
to the «Turkish Statistical Institute» the volume of importation of products of
stainless steel recently steadily growing. In particular, in April 2013
the imports of this hire grew by 40.9% and amounted to about 44 thousand tons. At
compared with March 2013, the growth of imports was also significant — plus
Of 30.4%, and overall, since the beginning of this year plus 10% (compared to the same
period in 2012). Analysts predict that despite the fact that in the beginning
years there has been some recession in the volume of import of rolled
stainless steel in Turkey, towards the end of spring the local market perked up, and in
term, it expects further growth in imports in this area.