The Russian titanium Corporation successfully passed the European audit

The quality management system of JSC «Corporation
VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation» has been subjected to audit. I did an audit for a European company «TUV
Rheinland Cert GmbH» (Cologne, Germany). According to the expert opinion of the German
specialists mentioned above, the system is fully coordinated with the international
standards «EN 9100», «AS 9100» and «JIS Q 9100», which govern the requirements
to the companies working in the aerospace industry. The audit
«VSMPO-AVISMA» received the certificate giving her the right to work on this
the direction with the countries of Asia, Europe and America.
OJSC «Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA» — Russian
steel giant, the world leader in production of titanium and its
derivatives. The company’s share accounts for about 30% of the world market in the
metal. In addition, the Corporation is engaged in the production of aluminium products,
special steels and Nickel alloys. One third of Titan produced by the company, is
the needs of industry, 40% — to the needs of the aviation industry, 20% — on manufacture
engines and 10% is consumed by enterprises of the rocket. In addition,
Corporation «VSMPO-AVISMA» also engaged in production of goods
consumption of alloys based on titanium.
For many actors in the global aerospace industry
Corporation «VSMPO-AVISMA» — the main source of titanium billets. With her
such aerospace giants as Boeing (providing about 40%
the volume of the Titan), «Airbus» (Verkhnaya Salda company is the leading supplier),
«SNECMA», «EADS» (providing about 60% of the volume of the Titan), the «Rolls Royce»,
«Pratt&Whitney». The whole consumption at its own facilities in titanium
buys AVISMA company Embraer (Brazilian aircraft manufacturer). On the market
also operates several joint ventures, organized by «Avismoj»
and its partners, and a number of subsidiaries with the production of more
high value added. Among them — the joint venture «Ural Boeing Manufacturing» (the goal of the company
— primary mechanical processing of titanium billets), OOO «VSMPO Titan
Ukraine» (production of seamless tubes from titanium alloys) and other
unit. In total, the list of the key buyers of «VSMPO»
consists of more than 300 partners in 48 countries.