At Kola MMC installed a new modern equipment for processing of ores of Nickel and copper

At Kola MMC, member of the group of companies
Norilsk Nickel started the next stage of modernization. The Department division
Feinstein (RUF) refining plant establishes new flotation
machines that will replace the worked until recently, the units
FMR-10. Commissioning and adjustment of the equipment involved
employees of the supplier. Commissioning work must be completed
until the end of summer, after which the machine is running at full capacity. As the user expects
MMC, these measures will help to reduce production costs and
contribute to improving the quality of separation Feinstein and significant
the increase in production volumes: after the replacement of obsolete machines
the production capacity of «Kola» will grow by 27 tons per year of Nickel and
19 tons of copper.
New flotation machine, in contrast to the FMR-10,
to meet the modern requirements for such equipment. They extract
a greater number of metals from raw materials with automatic control
manufacturing process are more environmentally friendly and consume
fewer resources (in particular electricity), which allows to significantly reduce
overhead. «Efforts to modernize equipment is an important contribution to
the development of the company. Updated equipment will provide the company with invaluable assistance in
the implementation of the production plans for the separation of Converter matte and
the future will allow the organization to achieve high performance with minimal
costs» — sure the Board of the company.
In a detailed press release, «Kola» it is reported that
in the framework of modernization of equipment of the RUF, to date, purchased 16 new
flotation machines. In parallel with the replacement of equipment similar to the units,
commissioned in 2004 and fitted with new parts. According to
representatives of the company «Norilsk Nickel», the project owners
asset invested about 4 million dollars.