The operators of the stainless steel market expect changes

Market players stainless metal preparing for
change — believe the experts of the British Agency MEPS. Analysts say
the prices for the alloying elements for the production of special steels is not yet
intend to leave their current positions, but changes in the offing. They
opinion, the Nickel can rise even in the case of a slight recovery
manufacturers of special steels, and reason to expect them in the near future aktiviziruyutsya,
In particular, the British analysts write: «the Nickel
leading trading platforms is present in excess, and the difference between the amount
its production and consumption grows. So according to the London Metal
Exchange reserves of this resource in the warehouses at the beginning of this month was no
small 180 thousand tons, more than a quarter exceeded the indicators of the presence of
metal on the stock exchange in the beginning of this year. However, it is impossible not to take into account the
the fact that the most powerful economy in the world (including the Chinese people’s
Republic, USA and other States) is currently steadily moving out of
recession. This gives the experts reason to predict the growth of
the production of stainless steel, and, as a consequence — increase in level
consumption of Nickel with its accompanying rise in price».
As a confirmation of his words in terms of expectations
market participants, experts MEPS give examples of «troublesome» behavior
some large operators of the stainless steel divisions of metallurgy. «Finnish steelmakers
„Outokumpu“ recently alerted the public about the intention to introduce a new system of formation
payments for the alloying elements (yet partially), in which price changes will
be held daily (including fresh reports about the current market conjuncture)» —
tell the press to British intelligence. «The example of the Finns followed their
competitors from Spain (Acerinox), which abolished the monthly
revise pricing in favor of a more rapid correction of price lists. And,
apparently, the other stainless steel producers in Europe are also not
long to wait with such innovation» — commented on the situation
the representatives of the English Bureau of analytical information.