Mikhail Voevodin told about the situation on the global titanium market

Mikhail Voevodin, Director General of the Corporation
«VSMPO-AVISMA» (the leading world manufacturer of the Titan) — recently gave an interview about
prospects of development of the enterprise. First of all, a top Manager said
good condition of titanium industry in Russia at the moment. «For the most part
the situation in this segment of the market depends on «VSMPO-AVISMA» — the main
titanium manufacturer in the country; and the Corporation is now experiencing the rise —
increases in the production capacity, planning various investment
program," — said the head of the company in an interview with the media. «The company
trying to prevent the imbalance of supply and demand in the market
titanium. In any case not welcome «in store» all products
available under certain contracts, the company has a reserve
capacity to meet the growing needs of customers. This is especially
important now, when the demand for titanium in the domestic market is constantly increasing»
— commented on the current situation of verkhnesaldinskiy Director of the company.
Mikhail Voevodin told about the place of Titan
Corporation in the market of «winged metal» in the world. «In the field of aerospace
titanium «VSMPO-AVISMA» satisfies about one-third of global demand. In this
segment, our products compete with the metal companies, «Timet», «RTI», and «ATI».
In the field of industrial titanium «VSMPO-AVISMA» covers about a quarter of the world
market. The main competitors are Japanese manufacturers «Toho
Titanium» and «Osaka Titanium», as well as the relevant Chinese factories. On
the Russian market, in turn, the company has virtually no competitors. It
it is particularly important in view of the fact that in the coming years is projected to rise
domestic demand for titanium, primarily for aircraft," concluded
competitive environment, Mr. Voevodin.
As for the forecast of price changes for the metal, Director
VSMPO sees no reason to lower it. According to him, after the crisis of 2008
dropped in price industrial titanium, aerospace industry, however this trend
not touched. «Now, in view of rising demand for metal and its a light deficiency,
projected development of titanium industry," — said the head of the company.
According to Mr. Voevodin, the Corporation «VSMPO-AVISMA» will be
to rebuild manufacturing in the direction of increasing output
high-tech products. «New consumers will be coming from
developing market sectors (this defence, transport, medicine,
consumer goods). Although these segments are not large, they are steady
growth that will ensure the Corporation’s stable contracts," — said the head of