With the Eastern part of the quarry South produced the first tons of ores of Nickel and copper

This week the workers of mining and metallurgical company (GMK) «Kola» started mining copper-Nickel ores in the Eastern part of career «southern» Zhdanovsky Deposit (Murmansk region, Pechenga district, near the town of polar). The technique of «Kola» was taken from the quarry the first 90 thousand tons of raw materials that were mined at the site in an open way. «This method of extracting the ore will be practiced in this part of the field for 3−4 years» — the voice of career prospects for the employees of the mining company. «Our capacity for the beneficiation of copper-Nickel raw materials are now showing the production figures at the level of 8.2 million tons per year, and thanks to the commissioning of the Eastern part of career „southern“ our company will be able to keep this pace in the future» — add representatives of the «Kola».
Open joint stock company «Kola GMK» was formed in 1998 by merger of the assets of the company «Pechenganikel and Severonikel». Today, the organization has at its disposal a powerful industrial complex, which combines mining of ores of base and precious metals with facilities for the processing of extracted raw materials (on the basis of the factories and mills of the company is processing of metals and production of electrolytic copper and Nickel, as well as manufactured concentrates of cobalt, palladium, gold, platinum and other metals). The organization’s share in the production of all Russian copper is 17% and Nickel and cobalt concentrate — 45% and 40%, respectively.
Currently available MMC «Kola» there are eight deposits of copper and Nickel, which are concentrated in two ore nodes: «Western» (Nikel) and the «East» (near the above mentioned Zapolyarny). This field «zhdanovskiy», «polar», «Kotselvaara», «Satellite», «Bystrinskiy», «Tundra» and «Upper». The owner of 100% of the assets of the company are the shareholders of MMC Norilsk Nickel.