Amsterdam financiers expect a return of consumer interest of Chinese companies to copper

The Amsterdam financiers expect a speedy return
Chinese buyers in the copper market. «Indeed, players of the sector „red
metal“ faced with a record growth of stocks of a resource on the main warehouses
trading platforms on the planet, and betting on the revival of sales since the filing of the consumers
from China in the area of metallurgy played (after Chinese New Year) only
a small fraction of the expected results» — commented the staff of «ABN
AMRO Holding N. V.» (one of the most powerful financial conglomerates in the Netherlands).
«Nevertheless, the surplus trend on the copper market — a temporary phenomenon, and
worrying about it is unlikely to be. Today, as a rule, metal
accumulated in the warehouses due to manipulation of traders which a decent Commission
„the premiums for delivery of copper cash“. Thus, despite „frightening“ trends
growth figures on stocks of metal in warehouses, the difference between the volumes of supply and level
demand can be easily offset by a small spike of interest in the resource with
large buyers, as all the „extra copper“ is just week and a half
the volume of world consumption of metal. We expect that in the near future
cuprum largest consumer — China — are beginning to fill a long-impoverished
the stocks of the resource, resulting in market will be returned to the „traditional“ balance»
summarize your forecast of analysts «ABN AMRO».
Positive expectations of financiers in Amsterdam
the stabilization of the copper sector’s share in the German company «Aurubis» (which is
the largest producer of «red metal» in Europe). The management
concern voiced his own intent to increase production cuprum on
its two steel plants (in Germany and Bulgaria). «Despite trends
growth of warehouse stocks of copper on the commodity exchanges, our experts believe that in
the short term rates for the processing and refining of metal will overcome
the usual mark of $ 70 per ton; consequently, the „Aurubis“ is
a great opportunity to strengthen its own position in the market» comments
the decision to increase the production capacity of the company Executive Director
company Peter Willbrandt.